Shawn Lucas |
847-328-1430, x124
What is CLOW?
The Liturgy of the Word for Children is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in grades K-2 at both the 9 am Sunday Mass at our Saint Athanasius Church site and the 10:30 am Sunday mass at our St. Joan of Arc Church site. Any child in this age group may participate - no registration is necessary.
How does it work?
After the Opening Prayer at Sunday Mass the Priest will invite all children up to the 2nd grade
(older siblings are welcome to accompany 😊 ) to the Altar for a blessing and sending forth!
They will process to a designated space (St. Athanasius - The old Baptistry/St. Joan of Arc - School Cafeteria). After a brief Welcome and Opening Prayer, they listen to the First Reading proclaimed from the Children’s Lectionary. Next, the Gospel is proclaimed by one of the adult leaders.
The children are then invited to share their own thoughts and ideas and engage is a simple activity focused on the theme from the Gospel message. Following this, the children profess a simple Act of Faith, pray their Prayers of Intercession, and finally return to their families at the time of the Presentation of the Gifts.
To become a "CLOW" volunteer, please email Mr. Shawn Lucas.